Red Rose Flower Bouquet

Make your wedding day unforgettable with our luxurious Red Rose Wedding Bouquet, expertly handcrafted to embody love, passion, and timeless elegance. This stunning bouquet is made with the finest, freshest red roses, arranged beautifully to create a dramatic and romantic look that will complement any bridal gown.

Please note that if you are ordering only one piece, we will need ONE day before delivery to prepare the flowers. 

The bouquet shown features 24 Ecuadorian Premium Red Roses, elegantly arranged.


Order before 3 pm for same-day delivery Monday to Saturday.

Palette De Flores uses their own drivers to deliver all flower orders. There is a standard delivery to most Sydney suburbs of $18. Some distant Sydney suburbs are between $20-35 depending on the distance.

Flower delivery hours are between 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Saturday.

Our Guarantee

Palette de Flores guarantees the freshness, flower quality, and value of every order. Each arrangement delivered by its members is handcrafted by a professional florist designer.

If you are not 100% satisfied with your flower order, call us within 24 hours and we’ll be happy to supply you with a replacement bouquet of the same value.

Payment Options

We accept a variety of payment options for your convenience: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal, and Afterpay.