Caroline- 100 Red Rose Bouquet

The perfect bouquet to celebrate that special someone in your life.

Our Gigantic Rose bouquet features one hundred Colombian Red Roses. It is presented wrapped in exclusive wrapping paper and tied with ribbon for a truly unique gift.

All our floral pieces include a gorgeous card message for your recipient. There is an option at the checkout where you can write your message, and we will customise it.

100 Red Roses Size Featured.

*Due to the unique nature and handcrafted quality of our premium roses, please place your order one day in advance. Same-day delivery is not available.


Order before 3 pm for same-day delivery Monday to Saturday.

Palette De Flores uses their own drivers to deliver all flower orders. There is a standard delivery to most Sydney suburbs of $18. Some distant Sydney suburbs are between $20-35 depending on the distance.

Flower delivery hours are between 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Saturday.

Our Guarantee

Palette de Flores guarantees the freshness, flower quality, and value of every order. Each arrangement delivered by its members is handcrafted by a professional florist designer.

If you are not 100% satisfied with your flower order, call us within 24 hours and we’ll be happy to supply you with a replacement bouquet of the same value.